My Portfolio

Some of the work I’ve made.

From web design and design

to UX/UI

This was my natural path to where I’m now, starting with web design and design, which by default started to introduce me and made me realize the importance of UX and UI, evolving into a more serious understanding involving my studies in informatics and cognitive sciences.

UX/UI works

Is the conjunction of the work I’ve done in my life that I’m now focusing and training!

Proposals for improving the UI in my internship in Digigram

Some websites I made

UX/UI trainings, from starting a project doign interviews, doing a benchmark and MVP, creating mock-ups, style guides and UX metrics until the final app or just making improvements to already existing apps

Some websites I made

Several webs

II was doing websites since I remember, even remember touching GeoCities when I was young. When in school web creation was already an interest of mine!

Some websites I made


Villas de San Jose

AVRE Proyectos

A bit of designing

When creating websites this was a must, so I started developing skills in this area and keep doing invitations, cards, signs, stickers and many more things!

Some designs
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