My Education

Where it all started and how I’ve been growing up.

Informatics and web design to merge in UX/UI

Since the beginning of my studies and career I was always eager to present results of my work, but I was even more concern on HOW would I present these results, not only important data but beautiful presentations. Sometimes the work was showing some important findings and sometimes not, but even in those cases where no relevant work was there to show I was able to do a captivating presentation in order to spin the results in something important.



Coder House

UX/UI Design – UX/UI Advanced Design

Grenoble – Online

2021 – 2022

INP Phelma

M1 – Master Sciences Cognitives

Grenoble, France


2018 – 2021


Université Grenoble Alpes

Licence MIASHS

Programmation fonctionnelle
et orientée objet, bases de données, Cognition et ergonomie.

Grenoble, France


2006 – 2010


Ingénierie de l’Information

Informatique orienté à l’entreprise,
management, economie, Java, bases de données.

Valencia, Venezuela

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